Congratulations! Your Male Feminist has Evolved Into a Male Feminist Ally! | Vol. 3 / No. 52.5

I’ve said for a long time that the only requirement for being a feminist is to believe that men and women are equal. It’s a pretty low bar (that a disturbing number of people still can’t manage to achieve). You’ll notice that this low bar totally allows for the existence of male feminists. That’s partly because the favored enemy of feminism, The Patriarchy, is a structure that hurts everyone, including men.
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Elon Musk’s AMA | Vol. 3 / No. 52.2

On Sunday, Elon Musk did an “Ask Me Anything” session over at reddit’s amazing r/spacex community. It was a really excellent experience and both he and the community members seemed to have a great time. Because the community is mostly composed of folks who (a) either know and love the nitty-gritty of the engineering details, or (b) know that they don’t know the nitty-gritty and are happy to step aside for those who do, the questions were much more productive than the majority of the ridiculous questions that he got after the IAC talk where everything was announced.
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“Pansy” Pokemon | Vol. 3 / No. 51.5

At some point in my education as a gender studies scholar, I learned that one of the (many) reasons that the purveyors of television, books, and movies feature predominantly male protagonists is that boys and men are reluctant to identify with female protagonists, while girls and women are willing and able to identify with male protagonists. So by featuring a male lead, studios and publishers hedge their bets: men will identify with the character, and women probably will as well. Whereas if they allow women to be represented in media, then they risk losing that sweet, sweet male consumer cash. So it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle—boys and men are never asked to identify with girls and women, so they never learn to identify with girls and women, and so then in the next generation we continue to feature primarily male protagonists, and value predominantly masculine characteristics. Because why risk positive social change if it could cost some money? Not in capitalism, thank you very much.
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Electric Cars Could Really Hurt The Oil Industry | Vol. 3 / No. 50.4

With Tesla set to sell hundreds of thousands of cars over the next few years, Chevy Bolt sales expected to hit 30,000 just next year, Germany passing a nonbinding resolution to ban internal combustion engine vehicle sales by 2030, and Bloomberg reporting that the unsubsidized lifetime cost of electric cars is likely to fall below that of gas-powered ones by 2022, it’s really starting to look like the clock is ticking for oil companies, or at least for their profits.
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