The 2016 Sexist Costume Roundup | Vol. 3 / No. 49.5

I’ve always really wanted a tattoo. I’ve also never actually gotten one, because I am super eclectic, and I fall hard and fast for various phrases, characters, styles (etc.). I can never be certain that my momentary passions are going to remain lifetime ones, or that if they do, I won’t find passions that are even fiercer. How can I know that if I do it, if I finally break down and have “An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards” written in script down my arm, that I won’t one day want to replace it with “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid”? Even if I combine passions, which one do I go with? Minimalist Maleficent? Bombshell Wonder Woman? Art nouveau Princess Leia? I can’t settle on something long for enough.

But now I think that I may finally have a phrase that I’m going to repeat for eternity, so it’s probably safe to get as a tattoo: “I just want a range of representation.” (Note: my friend K initially thought that I said “I just want to rage” and was way more approving of this plan.) This favored phrase has come up in my life once again because this week’s post is another entry in what will probably become an annual series: the Sexist “Sexy” Costume roundup. And as ever, our “friends” at Yandy are happy to oblige.