A Short, Happy Post | Vol. 5 / No. 2.1

Image: Brett Neilson, CC BY 2.0

You will all be super surprised to learn that I am still sick, so this week is going to be a bit short as well. I mostly want to talk about the election on Tuesday, and the monumental, fantastic results that occurred. There were a lot of firsts, a lot of almost-firsts, and most of all, a lot of wins for diversity. Montana is getting its first ever black mayor, Wilmot Collins. Danica Roem beat the drafter of an anti-trans “bathroom bill” to become Virginia’s first trans lawmaker. Ravinder Bhalla became the first Sikh mayor in New Jersey. All of these things are so cool.

One thing that I talk about time and time again is the importance of representation. And what is true about the media is also true about politics—we need to see diversity. We need to see ourselves reflected in the figures that we observe. And we need diverse voices in order to truly represent our country as it stands. A bunch of white men have been controlling the media and political narratives for a very, very, very long time. If this Tuesday was any indication, that is finally changing. And I, for one, can’t wait to enjoy a new narrative. (Anything is better than The Angry Carrot and His Nazi Friends. Who thought that would be a good idea for a story?)


Elle Irise is a regular contributor to This Week In Tomorrow. When she’s not sick, she studies gender in popular culture.


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