One of my very best friends made me very jealous this week, because she (unlike me) lives in a place with a vast expanse of uninterrupted, unpolluted sky. This week, of course, was the annual Perseid meteor shower, that time in every year when we pass through the dust and snow left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle, and its remains blaze to Earth from the direction of the constellation Perseus. But my friend did a very nice thing — she took some beautiful photos as souvenirs to share. Here are a few, and you can check the rest out at her website: Frances Beatty Photography.
Richard Ford Burley is a writer, library worker, and doctoral candidate in English at Boston College, where he’s studying remix culture and the processes that generate texts. In his spare time he writes about science, skepticism, and feminism (and shares his friends’ amazing night photography) here at This Week In Tomorrow.